How to lose your weight

lundi 27 octobre 2014

I'm going to explain some very basic principles love biochemistry that anyone could learn an aide basic high school textbook on biology or on nutrition and why so many of the experts completely ignore these basic biochemical principles is really somewhat beyond me but I’m hoping that I can explain these concepts to you give you some clear understanding so that you can make some sense a follow these conflicting dietary claims so here we have carbohydrates facts and proteins and you should note that proteins are just chains up smaller molecules called amino acids and for the purpose of this video we’re going to use the words protein and amino acids interchangeably the word carbohydrate is made up both two words carbon and hydrating so I'll be primary component of a carbohydrate is the molecule carbon and carbon is really central choice 900 caralluma to all other molecules in the human body and that's the reason that we are called carbon based life forms the word hydrate means to add water to and as we all know water is two hydrogen’s and one oxygen so the components of carbohydrates are right there in the name carbon hydrogen and oxygen facts or by their scientific name lipids are also composed of carbon hydrogen and oxygen Essex this time they are configured into different patterns by the way you've never consumed a fat that didn't start out as a carbohydrate you see this whole thing starts on a plant level with a process called photosynthesis so plants using energy from the Sun carbon dioxide and water use that energy to create carbohydrates or sugars that's the plants form energy then there are some love these sugars which are converted into fats and proteins but for the most part fruits and vegetables most of the sugars in those plants remain the sugar in one form or another and then these plants are consumed by animals and inside the am all some of those sugars are then converted to fats and proteins and then there are people who consume the animals so in that way.

How to lose your weight

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