A SUP she is 8 low-crab diets if you want to

dimanche 30 novembre 2014

A SUP she is 8 low-crab diets if you want to cutouts starch that's fine but you still need adequate vegetable intake and Impersonally recommend that you have some vegetables with every single meal strive to do that I know it may not always be possible but strive to have some veggies with every single meal and personally when I'm getting ready for bodybuilding Alpha Shred show that is my diet protein green veggies healthy fat that is the foundation right there now if you are stuck in a plateau ants I mean don't know what your whole diet plan is to me if you want met like basically take you by the hand brake down your diet and training and outlet everything for you that's what I offered through the Total Fitness bodybuilding add membership site so what head on over there Total Fitness bodybuilding dot com that's a service I offer all breakdown and offer you a complete diet training program in n guide you through and walk you through everything else so few outside for that definitely go over check that out but in the meantime if you want to try they temporarily cutting out all starches and just focus on fibrous carbohydrates and former vegetables mean and do that for a few weeks and see how it works for you I mean you know it's okay to buy I would not recommend going for the Pew were kite jonick diet where you're avoiding all carbohydrates cut its it's just not healthy I mean you need the Greens you need victims doubles you need the fiber you need the balanced diet you don't necessarily need starch but you need the vegetables in you need protein any green veggies any healthy fats those are the three things.


A SUP she is 8 low-crab diets if you want to

I private insurances will often not pay

I private insurances will often not pay for skinny cables but it's very important to know exactly what your insurance states in terms have coverage for durable medical equipment and sometimes a good letter from physical therapist can Alpha Shred justify standing cable on cut we noticed any cables can also be helpful in terms have I'm skin care cut you came pressure of your bottom if you're sitting in a wheelchair all the time and also.

I can help with com GI issues pal bladder issues et cetera waste any cable can be rather efficient way of dealing with it flexibility and spasticity omega because you’re stretching multiple joints at the same time also especially when it comes to you rankle joint nothing is more effective than for your whole body weight and feel that a call to are stretch it out also researchers found that standing that joint compression can also relax and spasticity a key piece %uh mister see really for anew hours at a time CBC to samples from any cables that arson the market strengthening equipment so.

For more information, visit this site >>>>>>> http://ift.tt/1rJYrr8

I private insurances will often not pay

In fact women have been

In fact women have been hard wired to not lose weight and no matter how cheesy what I'm about to tell Alpha Shred you sound it all makes perfect sense we stop andthink about it let me explain it all stems back to the hunter-gatherer days of our ancestors men were built for fat storage at all men were built to be lean in fast to hunt food how men can even accumulate fat all goes completely against our genetics on the other hand women were built format stores to be able to survive in care for children during famine their essential minimal fat stores are many times higher than Mac women were built to accumulate as much fat as possible and to not lose those accumulations for childbirth milk production and child-rearing nowunfortunately we've been built to survive not to look good women have a couple of major fat.


In fact women have been

Bodybuilding contest is only a matter

Bodybuilding contest is only a matter of an opinion also other people love you basically what you doing is standing up there almost totally naked saying they hope you like me better Alpha Shred than index card meant I like Louis although I Chin lose very frustrated individual as there is and they're probably all will be assured amount of resentment up you know I'll probably two wars Arnold because a way the pumping iron movie economy louislooked and I think now by instituting his masters he's looking for a win because originally when I first started talking about this the cut-off point was 45 years old and above and I think that Louis had something to do with convincing Joe to lower page 240 so he would be allowed to enter which is fine me dozen it died for I’m concerned. I don’t give a damn tomorrow your are all in order well my hard you more bro our part working on my pro RGR and/or worker like a male I have no money I was secretly I pick two or three hundred are up with a good portion free are.


Bodybuilding contest is only a matter

Adolescent foot pain (Styloid Process)

My 11 year old daughter has been complaining of foot pain. I originally thought she may have just gotten stepped on in basketball, however upon further examination I noticed a pretty large protrusion on the outside of her right foot. It is quite painful to the touch and hurts when walking/running. Researching this online it sounds fairly common at this age and also the presence of the growth plate in that area. My question is how do you know if you need to have it x-rayed? Some sites suggest taking a break from the sporting activity, but in the thick of basketball season, that is unlikely. I am worried that continued use may be making the problem worse. I also don't really want to go to the doctor if not needed. Thanks. What do you recommend?

Adolescent foot pain (Styloid Process)

Saya konfius, tolong bantu saya..

Hii, Assalamualaikum...

Saya ada 4kitten biasa (1bulan++) n 1kitten Persian(2bln++)...

Seekor daripada kitten biasa baru pergi subuh kelmarin (30/11/14). Collapse tiba2 lepas cirit n sawan...dlm 30minit je lps tu, dia pergi...{cry}

Pagi dlm pkul10.30a.m. sy pegi vet sbb semua nampak lemah...masacheckup, doc ckp 3ekor dmam termasuk Persian tu...dh siap bg antibiotic+ubat dmam+antivirus ok alhamdulillah...

Cuma si hitam kitten biasa tu masa tu doc cakap, "perut dia kembung ni, takut FIP je..." "Kalau Lena FIP mmg xde cure lah.."...sy cuak gila masa tu...

Ok then, balik umah bg air glucose n bg ubat bagi TF alhamdulillah ok, aktif mcm xde paper berlaku...

Then pagi ni, sekarang nii si Persian lemah sgt, nk jalan pun xlarat, wasap gan doc, doc cakap bg ubat sekian2...n yg sy sedar, si Hitam langsung xpoo sjak kelmarin, si kakak n abang hitam tu pulak poo 3ketul je drp kelmarin..kakak n abang si hitam pulak makan banyak Sgt, selera Sgt smpai muncit perut tpi lpas poo perut diorang back to normal balik,. Diet RC kitten, susu sy bagi susu kambing y jual kat pet shop...

Soalan sy :

1) Apa kena dgn Persian sy???

2) Si hitam tu kembung perut je ke @ sebab xpoo @ sbb minum susu lambing @ mmg FIP ??

Si hitam cergas je, sihat alhamdulillah...

3) Perlu ke vet swasta @ kerajaan? Nak kena buat ujian apa? Darah ke?

Pleaseee help me...!! Buntu sebuntu nyaa

Saya konfius, tolong bantu saya..

Ingrown toenail issue!

I've had severe ingrown nails with granulomas on both big toes for 3 months now. I went to 2 different nurses. One told me just to bathe them when they were clearly infected but she insisted they weren't. I went back to a different Nurse who gave me antibiotics straight away. It cleared them up but as soon as I finished the course, my problem came back. I don't know what to do. It's making me miserable. Help?

Ingrown toenail issue!

We're So Bored......

Since there has been no activity, I thought I'd throw a hand grenade over to Bob and Roger this morning....... :dh:

President Barack Obama used the first person singular—including the pronouns “I” and “me” and the adjective “my”—91 times in a speech he delivered to explain his unilateral action on immigration.

But as often as Obama used “I,” “me” and “my” in Chicago this week, it was no match for the speech he delivered in Austin, Texas, on July 10, when he used the first person singular 199 times.

Obama’s immigration speech, according to the White House transcript, was approximately 4,200 words and lasted 33 minutes. That means that on average Obama used the first person singular every 46 words—or every 22 seconds.

Does anyone think the guy is a Narcissist………….. ?



We're So Bored......

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th broken metatarsals


I recently broke and displaced my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th metatarsals on my left foot on the 30th October. I had surgery on the 31st where the surgeon put in metal rods (which are sticking out of my foot) I had surgery again on the 10th November to put pins in and to fuse bones together.

I am a 22 year old female who used to run track (sprints) for a D1 university and I currently take part in crossfit and still sprint regularly so I would say I am fairly healthy.

At the time I was quiet upset and didn't want to hear bad news from the Doctor so I never asked him questions about if I was going to be able to sprint or lift heavy weights again due to the nature of the injury.

Does anyone has experience with this sort of injury and have they been able to run/ take part in sports again?

Thank you in advance.

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th broken metatarsals


Hello everyone, my name is Dan and I am from tennessee. I just getting into rabbit hunting with beagles recently. I have 2 grown dogs and a 6 month old pup. I am marries and 1 kid, and for work I am a systems collection technician at the waste water treatment plant.


german shepherd puppies for sale

samedi 29 novembre 2014

I have a female german shepherd puppies (2 months old) for sale, anyone interested?? Pls contact me at 0102396988

german shepherd puppies for sale


I am new to rabbit hunting with dogs. I have 2 trained beagles and a young pup' hoping to train. She will run a San Juan rabbit...... Any advice on hunting my dogs or training my pup


Indoor Beagles

hello everyone my name is Tim and I just posted to the introduction thread, had rabbit dogs 8 years ago and I'm trying to convince my wife to get another one. I always kept my dogs outside in a kennel but my wife doesn't want outdoor dogs again. every beagler i've ever known has kept them outside, Anyone here keep their hunting dogs inside? and if so has it affected their hunting desire. I miss beagles and rabbit hunting badly, my wife does love beagles and is very close to relenting.

Indoor Beagles

new beageler

I am new to rabbit hunting. I have two good running beagles and a 6 month old pup that will run San Juan rabbits that I hope to finish. Any advice to a greenhorn rabbit hunter or advice on training the pup?

new beageler

My ‘strange feet problem’ - It feels like my socks are rucked-up under my feet, but they aren’t

There’s a question at the end of this post, but to start with, here’s the story:

Looking back, I remember I was sitting at my computer when I noticed a tingling sensation to the soles of my feet. It felt as though there was an electric motor running somewhere and that I could feel it vibrating through the floorboards. I looked around my house for the offending motor – without success. My wife asked why I was ‘mooching-around.’ I told her I was looking for the cause of the vibrations I could feel coming through the floorboards, and she told me that she couldn’t feel any vibrations. Later that same day we went shopping and I noticed that I could feel the same tingling sensation everywhere we went, so the problem was obviously something to do with my feet and nothing to do with an electric motor

The on-set of this foot problem coincided with a general loss of energy, so I visited my GP. My doc examined my feet and reported no obvious problems. He organised a full blood test and referred me to a clinic for a foot scan. The foot scan showed no problems, but the blood test said I was slightly anaemic, so I was referred to a haematologist who monitored my bloods for a few months, reported that: a) I wasn’t anaemic enough for it to cause my lack of energy; b) my anaemia, such as it is, was probably being caused by my chronic kidney disease (my chronic kidney disease was news to me). He discharged me with the good news that my blood count had improved slightly, lifting me into the very bottom end of ‘normality’. But by now my foot problem was worsening

The ‘tingling’ sensation in my feet had almost gone by now, but it had been replaced by a new symptom: Now it continually felt as though my sock was rucked-up under the base of my toes - between the base of my toes and the ball of my foot (and the big toes seemed worst-affected). It felt quite uncomfortable, especially when walking, and I mentioned this when talking to a friend one day. She told me that her father had experienced exactly the same symptoms, had reported them to his GP who changed his antacid prescription from Omeprazole to Lanzaparole, and this cured the problem . . . completely!

I immediately stopped taking the Omeprazole I was taking for my acid reflux problem, and after a couple of weeks waiting to see if I could detect any difference to my foot problem, I made an appointment to see my GP

My GP was on holiday at this time, so it was several more weeks before I actually saw him, by which time my feet were very much improved. I explained what had happened, my doc scratched his head, said he knew of no reason why Omeprazole would have any effect on my feet, but he agreed to change my prescription to Lanzaparole. Jump forward a couple of months and I again feel the beginnings of my ‘strange feet problem,’ so I stop taking Lanzaparole and wait a few more weeks to see what happens

The symptoms begin to fade-away, so I again visit my GP. Once more he can offer no reason why antacid med should be having any effect on my feet, but he nevertheless changes my prescription to Gaviscon. It was a month or so before my feet again began to display their previous symptoms, but this time I decide to ‘stick with it’ to see what happens if I continue taking the med

Three months later I can hardly walk due to intense pain in the bottoms of my toes and the area between the base of my toes and the balls of my feet. I was literally hobbling-around - and looking for excuses not to walk anywhere!

I stopped taking Gaviscon three months ago, and my feet are now feeling almost normal again. It still feels as though there’s something like a wad of cotton wool stuck between my toes. But it is not painful and the feeling is fading a little more each day, so I’m hoping/expecting that my feet will return to normal again sometime soon

So . . . is anyone else having this kind of foot problem – and are you taking antacid meds? If you are I’d be interested to hear if the symptoms fade should you decide to do as I did and stop taking the antacid meds. Of course, the decision to avoid antacid meds brings its own problems, which I am addressing by eating less and avoiding late-night meals . . . so far so good! Tony

My ‘strange feet problem’ - It feels like my socks are rucked-up under my feet, but they aren’t

Last year's each more at your other

Last year's each more at your other hand thanks UK reverse for so yeah long rollout into the wall yeah he had a fly as your phone policy I of the house with your love you may see a known to man so my off were live people up here p sure who is are here I 6 said I implore this a two more now free-market yeah casual yeah ready to join Slimera Garcinia Cambogia him were you in minute and I'll classically used small hey fault starts yeah oh yeah of or fuck yeah nominee yeah yes got to run for you older yeah why mall to 3 through that stretch for more info I see this you said he I'm yeah Lafitte slow the yeah okay fro issue opposite that rebirth by spear.

Vast yeah loss lower peter out why ace opposes yeah ministry Yahoo issue sleepy middle our apt do 3 goes a little bit school or by 6 well said feel that eighty not yeah let him and its love you to said saying I'm proud signals out going to be 13 who are now Hall Ray’s me no law you should be happy days PNW small yeah underlying theory with the Swiss ball sleep he had only three your glossary das for I controller today 600 ball 7 hell yeah be I 14 hey good drought all an hour yeah those yeah we're going to do see for you on all key good ha-ha say how nations yeah curl and our oppressors forgive him for service altar of one Annexure 0 cross ok and which will surely.

For The Discuss, Join Us At====>> http://ift.tt/1FF6nwC

Last year's each more at your other

She was back to the bottom going

She was back to the bottom going in Nice D squatters more time warm up those knees work those hips pictured in a really good arrange emotion the show was as well you're just under 10 seconds to switch the next one annex exercises be in New yep rotation can Slimera Garcinia Cambogia I was standing crises-cross crunch and start-up leftover comes down to rate me right elbow doubts that left me ski vaulting back and forth rotating.

The shoulders crunching forward warming up those oblique’s those absence hip flexor is a little bit into that lower back to stress that lower back out a little bit get a good rotation on the shoulders every single time here just over five seconds until we switch that next exercise will soon be an oblique rocker and its good sweet said exercise that oblique rocker removing left to right to rocking back and forth left to right can bring out left a bus that left me that right elbow to that right knee game X a rock left to right in between each time.

For more information, visit this site >>>>>>> http://ift.tt/1FF6nwC

She was back to the bottom going

Long beautiful neck elbows extending left to right

Long beautiful neck elbows extending left to right so they’re going to want to come in here seeking keep them nice and long in fact take a second here to pen them to fear fine link from the neck living in a flex your feet inhaling exhale lift your shins parallel to the ceiling now knees are just trying slightly in front of the hit points so that my lower back can become flush with a Mac kisses the map there for support right away my abdominal wall becomes a little bit engage as I scoop you tell not drop enable down and we doing my toes kind of protein in causing.

Slimera Sardinia Cambodia

the feet here inviting selfexpression into the practice at any and all times for the more we cantina integrate you into the practice I feel like one better time will have to the more benefits you read from you practice and just more likely you are to enjoy the workout at the practice itself which means you have returned to a again enjoying the journey is key so finding selfexpression whenever you can take a deep breath in on your ex airlift to head the neck the shoulders keep the elbows why nice mom imagine a lot of space a big juicy piece if your between each in the chest and lower back soon want to come up here but I’m going to say no and support by lowering my navel down and letting my tailbone a some kind of talking my pelvis into that the lower back we can I said .


Long beautiful neck elbows extending left to right

Seafood you could approach can cause fluid

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Seafood you could approach can cause fluid retention resulting in that puffy moonfaced luck and also lead to serious health issues such as increases in blood pressure and cholesterol straining your liver and pancreas along the way besides this approach was only designed to look good for one week in the year and using baggy clothes to cover the inside the body fat the rest to the year if looking unattractive softer now the shape while killing your chances that a lean healthy futures okay by you just to see the skill move then crush all the calories you can before the.

Slimera Garcinia Cambogia

Miserable cardio indicting begins oh and ask anyone has done it or anyone close to them it is miserable I'm assuming that's what we’re about anyway right now that you know the truth behind the three biggest misconceptions that are holding you back from gaining noticeable lean muscle quickly it's time to clean the slate and show you what really works the solution to packing on the most muscle humanly possible without any fat is a truly customized unique anabolic approach to nutrition this approach has to be exact and tailored for you in every way this approach has to customize the nutrition to everything about you here age weight height metabolism and in a specially has to customize the nutrition to your system at a tight and your weight training regimen this approach have to specifically allocate your calories and macronutrients throughout the day depending on when or if you're working out this approaches to customize your exact pre and post workout needs and must always take advantage at the two anabolic Windows you have every day that will take you from skinny to Jack in a hurry introducing Kyle Leon So anabolic Muscle Maximize the first truly custom interactive professional nutrition system proven to explode lean muscle growth without


Seafood you could approach can cause fluid

to show you a before

to show you a before and afterpicture cm and these pictures were actually not that long ago so first of all let me share with you picture up cm from December of 2010 and here she is a Slimera Garcinia Cambogia little bit more than200 pounds on and she is her height is actually about 54 so I'll she had a at least according to various charts problems with her weight at least from a body mass index perspective on here's a picture up for more recently March of 2012 and you can see a pretty remarkable transformation there one of the questions that most people ask who know cm are is howdy how did you do it and I can begin by telling you what.


to show you a before

Cats adoption - Urgent (IPOH BERCHAM)












Cats adoption - Urgent (IPOH BERCHAM)

Free Deoderant Product Sample

Click the video and the link comes up on the right to sign up


Free Deoderant Product Sample

Bluefly Bag-A-Day Giveaway-Daily ends Dec. 19, 2014

Enter for a chance to win one of 25 designer handbags, plus 100 copies of Refinery29's Best Selling new book Style Stalking!


Good Luck! :)

Bluefly Bag-A-Day Giveaway-Daily ends Dec. 19, 2014

Totally Tongue Out Photo Contest


Send us a photo of your dog with his tongue out for your chance to win a set of Uglies Dog Toys

It’s not rude to stick out your tongue – well, at least in this case. That’s because we’re announcing our Totally Tongue Out Photo Contest!

Starting on Tuesday, November 25 and running to Friday, December 5, we want to see photos of your dog with his tongue out – just like the Uglies! Send us one picture of your dog with his or her tongue sticking out. Your dog can be panting, licking something or someone, or just sitting around with his/her tongue sticking out. It doesn’t matter; we just need to see that tongue!

Just email a picture to photos@petguide.com and you’ll be entered. All of the photos sent to us will be featured on our Facebook page. We’ll be picking 1 Grand Prize winnerand 2 Runner Up prizes. The Grand Prize winner receives the COMPLETE SET of Envvy’s Uglies characters – Fabio, Isabella and Leo. The two runners up will get to pick their choice of one of the Uglies toys...

Read more about the Totally Tongue Out Photo Contest at PetGuide.com.

Totally Tongue Out Photo Contest

PURELL® Advanced 30 Days of Sharing and Caring Sweepstakes-Daily ends Dec. 16, 2014

Complete 30 good deeds to increase your chance of being one of our Daily Prize winners, Weekly Prize winners or the Grand Prize winner of $5,000.


Good Luck! :)

PURELL® Advanced 30 Days of Sharing and Caring Sweepstakes-Daily ends Dec. 16, 2014

Web Dashboard certificate

I would like to have the web dashboard use our corporate certificate instead of the self signed one. I've been playing around for a while, and figured I'd see if anyone else has gotten this working.

I've tried (in no particular order):

  • Adding our cert as a trusted cert.

  • Adding our cert as privatekey with an alias other than mirthconnect

  • Renaming the mirthconnect alias to mirthdist, and then renaming our privatekey to mirthconnect

  • Deleting the mirthconnect cert and importing our cert as mirthconnect.

Sometimes the server just won't restart, and sometimes it starts, but still gives me the self signed warning going in.

Web Dashboard certificate

Old Navy $200.00 Gift Code IWG

Sorry its been awhile since I posted a link but here goes:


Old Navy $200.00 Gift Code IWG

Doctor’s recommendation About this supplement!!29

You cue we've got everything down here jack o lantern to get the key idea all laid out a firm UK the Grouch leader ready to go %ah sure New York here CJ dryly refusal but up the Dhaka go for on the just many hey hi I yeah the Good Witch overall you think it’s too much I think les foe much that's why I like it and everything here Texas beauty %ah happened.

Slimera Garcinia Cambogia

There's been an accident with two children on a long and tiring mediation for hollowing us first the entire yellow her do well what do you say we go out tithe driveway set fire to some worms how do I look I constantly TX fact that way and the on now I salamander I guess so but I hate my seemichael Flynn well known in July my child I'm already cashed honey morning brand template and tournaments from her spread done hi to terror joining us Heimlich tired spam hired research warrant do spring the boy in house the budget had Jackie.

For The Discuss, Join Us At====>> http://www.garciniacambogiaprofacts....inia-cambogia/

Doctor’s recommendation About this supplement!!29

9.Formula used in this product!!

You do try to swing that let you want to have a nice lower res a crunch as you reach down to resist toes the hand the nice and slow the leg drop back down check all those muscles in his legs in his arms make sure they're nice intake contracting all those core muscles for Slimera Garcinia Cambogia almost done with this one five seconds left for 3 to one back to jog in place keep those feet moving nice and quick keep those lungs open try to recover as best.

You can answer set last read jumping jacks nice full range emotional nice and quick get that car you up as high as you possibly can as your last exercise keep those lungs open breathing normally keep those core muscles nice and tight those arms those legs nice and tight charges full range emotional that shoulders you can got ten seconds left just keep it going 5 4 3 to one and let her relax nicely done was going in stores are cool down already starting off with a lunging hamstring stretch.

For more information, visit this site >>>>>>> http://www.garciniacambogiaprofacts....inia-cambogia/

9.Formula used in this product!!

10.Product comparison with other

GABA but the problemGABA is if you take GABA and actually works that means you have issues because it's a very large molecule and it should be able to cross the blood-brain barrier and if it can that means you have what’s called a leaky blood brain barrier which is generally caused by like overexposure to wake electromagnetic fields from working on your computer information too much alcohol drinking Slimera Garcinia Cambogia stress stuff like that but you can instead of taking GABA you can.

Cause your body to just release more and there's a there's an herb you can take all passion flower can get this in like liquid form of the Amazon and it shuts down anxiety and stress and rapid thoughts and stuff like that super quick and so if you're the type of person who has a hard time falling asleep at night are you wake up at like 4am thoughts racing through your head in kind of crappy situation cut you wan asleep like two more hours but now you're awake passion for works really well use like put a dropper for what underneath your town for about 60 to 90seconds me hold it any just release this inhibitory neurotransmitter start to fall back asleep so art Cashing far as well in this is good stuff.

For The Discuss, Join Us At====>> http://www.garciniacambogiaprofacts....inia-cambogia/

10.Product comparison with other

Not going to ask you to invest the foreign.15

Not going to ask you to invest the foreign dollars in the my program could easily save you tens of thousands of dollars from the frightening and unsustainable rising health care costs happening today effect did you know the medical costs are the number one cause a bankruptcy today yep sixty-two percent of all bankruptcies it's only getting worse health care costs continue to rise year after year at this rate.

Slimera Garcinia Cambogia

it will be long before no one can afford healthcare now the original per in value was dollars but on my even ask you to invest five hundred dollars I thought that too and I seven would be perfect but then I decided I wanted to make a statement so today you're not going to pay have touch for a limited time leader in this video I want you have full access to my entire hypothyroidism Revolution program plus all the exclusive bonuses pro in ninety-seven dollars that's more than per cent off the normal price .


Not going to ask you to invest the foreign.15

25.Doctor’s recommendation About this supplement!!

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Need to support each other in this in that's why I said thank you I have okay so in this is the number onequestion that everyone have every person I've told everyone's excited that you're on my show but then the number one question people keep asking why are you running up against one another good people that we have on our side and not in a differentdistrict right against somebody else who's not on our soccer so let's talk about that because it's a legitimate question or less it's a legitimate question a first-ball when you people think it'sso easy to just like saunter into.

Slimera Garcinia Cambogia

Some district that has some tea party candidate that they like me to run against young for so far it’s it's very rare tofind it district that would elect the Tea Party to begin with who they had two sons turgid me but much more importantly in the senseof what's deeply true I want to represent a district in every sense of the word this district is filled with people who read the same books I do who think about the same things and talkabout the same things that I do its organic I'll miss Waxman has been Avery good congressman this term if he were to win this timeit's a forty year term and with all due respect the House of Representatives was set up by our founders to be the house so what’s happening now so the political status quo even thebest that the political status quo and I would call congressman Waxman among the best at the political status quo that status quo is dominated by very coif I thought forms even the best those thought forms it isnot a container for the kind breakthrough thinking that I believe is necessary now this Isa new time in America we're having a new conversation with a new conversation inspirituality in new conversation and therapy a new conversation relationships a new conversation the business a new conversation in education we are not having a new conversation in politics and that would include the person theasking about so I think I think that it is very legitimate today that while for instance he has of eating disorders experience a worsening of symptoms after birth if a mother is suffering from an eatingdisorder suggest you seek.


25.Doctor’s recommendation About this supplement!!

24.Formula used in this product!!

This road delicate skin and I'm not just saying a but doctor told me Bob nobody wants a beer we don't want to hear about your skin we just the two minutes along can you do that please Slimera Garcinia Cambogia captured an just making conversation but for now I'm pretty sure was just acryl for attention it was almost like she wanted to be caught you think that's all it is I'm pretty sure so just spend more time with her short good time check like you're dating again know what why not because I married an adult an she's got a problem she should tell me mock-up lady stupid high school game marriage is not a game Fred a gamer summers fun you can when merits up blood sport Co I'll may be right maybe I'll just have to do something good really fickle hope thanks Dan your good friend damn while I'm lonely do that do good.


24.Formula used in this product!!

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I’ve packages all of this the state

I’ve packages all of this the state into the very can because they'll be some clippings on pack for the skin care SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum class how you actually get here had or rather not like the bag lightings there's going to be lots of additional training after this actual classes over with without first inside.

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I’ve packages all of this the state

Course you cover a little bit more it's

Course you cover a little bit more it's classier it's really nice still sexy and I still sleek handle nationalist leader with you guys Island obviously I have like a buoy to begin with but I feel like when I wear like a miniskirt my butt look smaller because the scar SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum first homemade by lets the scare up so many star ends up being I have my butt.

Outscored I'm but it also looks like a slight just covering my butt but I feel like many skirts make everybody’s butt look big are you got like a teeny tiny but it's going to lookbigger just because its current year by and then it’s continuing to go down and if nice n tight all the way down to like you and me or wherever you are many lands on you so it's going to like living you down there you’re buying going to pop even more so few what you might look better wear something maybe assume that my little fashion %uh the day but definitely.

For The Discuss, Join Us At====>> http://www.idolizeadvancedeyeserumfa...ng-face-serum/

Course you cover a little bit more it's

Mirth 3, only saving message data when error

Hey people,

we're just starting to convert from Mirth 2.X to 3.X.

In version 2 there was the option of Messages / store message data / with errors only (on the summary tab)

I can't seem to find that option in 3.X, it saves every message (or no messages).

I would like to just save message data when there's an error.

Is this possible?

Mirth 3, only saving message data when error

Wanted, your recipes for freezer cooking

Hello everyone, I'm looking for some recipes that I could make and put into the freezer for later use. I know I could google, but I'm looking for recipes that you may have tried and enjoyed. There is a family that I go to church with that just had a new baby. Mom was in the hospital 10 weeks prior to giving birth. She was planning on doing some freezer cooking but didn't have the chance before she was admitted. Some of the other ladies at church are doing freezer cooking for them as well, but I would love to make a dish or two to help out. Can anyone help me help this young family out? Please and thank you! :)

Wanted, your recipes for freezer cooking

upgrading from mirth 1.8 to 3 - soap listener channel


We are upgrading our mirth from ver 1.8 to 3 and having difficulties sending soap messages to a web service channel using Java apache axis call.

We keep on getting the error "Cannot find dispatch method for {http://ift.tt/1Ck4jMh;.

We saw that between ver 1.8 to ver 2 there was a change that transformed all soap listener channels to web service listener channels and therefore our soap request should be change, but maybe you can help us understand how exactly should it change?

we managed to send the request via a mirth WS sender channel with the following envelope:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://ift.tt/z6MlKK; xmlns:ws="http://ift.tt/1Ck4jMl;








So what we like to modify our request to have the same envelope.

here's our original code (request sender):

SOAPChannelStub stub = new SOAPChannelStub();

m_Operation = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc();

org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc oper;

org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc param;

oper = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc();


param = new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://ift.tt/L4ziCw;, "input"), org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.IN, new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://ift.tt/WPkwi5;, "string"), java.lang.String.class, false, false);




oper.setReturnType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://ift.tt/WPkwi5;, "string"));


oper.setReturnQName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://ift.tt/L4ziCw;, "acceptMessage"+ "Result"));

oper.setStyle(org.apache.axis.constants.Style.WRAP PED);

oper.setUse(org.apache.axis.constants.Use.LITERAL) ;

m_Operation = oper;

org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = stub.createCall();





_call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.client.Call.SEND _TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE);

_call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_ DOMULTIREFS, Boolean.FALSE);

_call.setSOAPVersion(org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPCons tants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS);

_call.setOperationName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://ift.tt/L4ziCw;, "acceptMessage"));

_call.setProperty("javax.xml.rpc.service.endpoint. address", "http://ift.tt/1vn2yHN;);

Object resp = _call.invoke(new java.lang.Object[] {XMLToSend});

Can you help us understand how should the code be modified in order to send soap messages to the new mirth?

Thanks in advanced,


upgrading from mirth 1.8 to 3 - soap listener channel

SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum comparison with others!!

Easy to use I am however couple of products uh the first one is Mike batiste dry shampoo and a curfew so quickly but they’re really cheap in the UK on the coma like different sense and colors for different hair colors which I think is amazing just russiansup your hair and gives it for you and just get sprayed if like the second date kind of looking passer I really like this my content preview perfect Coast Co defining mousse and I he’s in my head today I use is just kind of.

SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum

today find my cuddles and it makes them look very soft and spirally and it leaves a very flexible hold it doesn’t even feel like you've got everything you have but Mexico's stand out a lot more guess we have any flyway reason phrase as well which I love my goody slight proof all they hold secure fit I don't know he's a cool guy too many names a but these kind of likes like to have hue have one of my breasts all times on basically a house a like lug up a bit leverage so that every Titans accuse your hair so that it doesn’t slight we'll come out during the day and also it doesn't have a better band connecting get has a rubber one students not you hate you know which is so.


SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum comparison with others!!

My final opinion about SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum!!

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

And in the book that they said you which has Rob Reds digress appears although as well as they believe you can do cooked a breadstick recipes in here can you nut butters I believe you can do pasta as well sorbet is all sorts of things it has these jumbo twin years and at that are super series 56 I've had a masticating juicer for years and missing blown out the water mine has just one gear in at this one as these two I think stainless steel gears may just pull everything out a bit it also the school knob on it really brings us closer on it has the cool knob that allows you to control I'm the way that it brings out the juice and it can also be turned one way to process soft uses versus harder fruits and vegetable I mean soft fruits versus harder fruits and vegetables it really is different like functionality is with its ok when you pay for an expensive juicer like this you're really getting a lot and I think probably the hugest selling point for me on this thing as.

SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum

That it can extract so much a lot of the less expensive juicers have %uh produced less jus then you would get so you're not getting all a bit and that's your kind of waste in little bit of money is time use them and lastly the nice thing about a juicer like this and this goes for the other do so that I have I find a lot and users that look like that the POS the type that sit upright on is that they're designed to move really slowly they have a slower rpm which means that there's less heat involved and last I your juice roots retains the enzymes and vitamins and all the nutrients and its own gas and when you pay for a high quality juicer like this it's an investment that's going to give you more bang for your buck and that's why I would say it might be worth it also comes and also to things like a sandwich you can make so many different things has different screens on it so you can add more Paul burlesque Hall Penn there's allot going on with it not I would love to hear Jenny and what your.


My final opinion about SkinCentric Anti Aging Face Serum!!

log4j SMTPAppender is not sending email

I am using Mirth Connect v3.0.1 and I would like to set up log4j to email any errors that occur. I have set up the appender in the log4j.properties file:


# sample properties to initialize log4j

log4j.rootLogger = ERROR,stdout,fout,smtp

# stdout appender

log4j.appender.stdout = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender

log4j.appender.stdout.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern = %-5p %d [%t] %c: %m%n

# file appender

dir.logs = logs

log4j.appender.fout = org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender

log4j.appender.fout.File = ${dir.logs}/mirth.log

log4j.appender.fout.DatePattern = '.'yyyy-MM-dd

log4j.appender.fout.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout

log4j.appender.fout.layout.ConversionPattern = %-5p %d [%t] %c: %m%n

# smtp appender

log4j.appender.smtp = org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppender

log4j.appender.smtp.SMTPHost = localhost

log4j.appender.smtp.From = mirth@server.com

log4j.appender.smtp.To = ops@server.com

log4j.appender.smtp.Subject = Test

log4j.appender.smtp.BufferSize = 1

log4j.appender.smtp.Threshold = WARN

log4j.appender.smtp.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout

log4j.appender.smtp.layout.ConversionPattern = %-5p %d [%t] %c: %m%n

# splash screen

log4j.logger.com.mirth.connect.server.Mirth = INFO

# Mirth Connect channel logging

log4j.logger.transformer = DEBUG

log4j.logger.preprocessor = DEBUG

log4j.logger.postprocessor = DEBUG

log4j.logger.deploy = DEBUG

log4j.logger.shutdown = DEBUG

log4j.logger.filter = DEBUG

log4j.logger.db-connector = DEBUG

log4j.logger.js-connector = DEBUG

log4j.logger.attachment = DEBUG

log4j.logger.batch = DEBUG

log4j.logger.response = DEBUG

# SQL Logging

log4j.logger.java.sql = ERROR

However, I am not receiving emails from my sample channel, although the errors do appear in the mirth.log:

ERROR 2014-11-26 16:15:51,903 [pool-3-thread-1] deploy: This is a test

FATAL 2014-11-26 16:15:52,435 [pool-3-thread-1] js-connector: test reader

In other applications on this server I have log4j set up to send emails and it works OK. I also have Mirth sending emails from the channels and again that all works OK. It's just from log4j that nothing is happening, and there aren't even any errors being produced.

Is anyone else using the SMTPAppender in log4j with Mirth?

log4j SMTPAppender is not sending email

Wondering if you can 'click' to help my niece?

My niece Samantha is going to CA (from PA) with her band. My sister sent me this- Verizon is helping to 'sponsor' them...all you have to do is 'sign-up' for the pear up if not already and like the FB if you are on- if you are not that is ok too (you are just able to sign up with e-mail I did- it didn't like my FB) and you can visit Verizon's site...a couple things you 'do' give them more money.

They have 4 days left to earn $1,000 on the site.

Thanks in advance! You guys are the best! :)


Wondering if you can 'click' to help my niece?

Hallmark Hall of Fame One X-mas Eve Share to Win Sweeps-Unlimited ends Dec 14, 2014

One (1) grand prize winner will receive a $500 Wal-Mart gift card, to cover the cost of a new flat screen television.

Five (5) additional winners will receive a plush dog and a copy of the movie “One Christmas Eve”.


Good Luck! :)

Hallmark Hall of Fame One X-mas Eve Share to Win Sweeps-Unlimited ends Dec 14, 2014


Week 1 Prize: A year’s supply of Folgers Coffee, a Mr. Coffee® Brewer, 4 red Folgers mugs, and a $500 grocery store gift card. Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $881.95.

Week 2 Prize: A year’s supply of Folgers Coffee, a Keurig® Brewer, a set of 4, red coffee mugs, and a $500 grocery store gift card. ARV: $931.95.

Week 3 Prize: A year’s supply of Folgers Coffee, a Mr. Coffee® Brewer, 4 Folgers Mugs, and a $500 grocery store gift card. ARV: $905.95.

Week 4 Prize: $10,000 awarded as a check, a year’s supply of Folgers Coffee, a Keurig® Brewer, set of 4 glass mugs, and a $500 grocery store gift card. ARV: $10,891.95.


Good Luck! :)



How do I get my userid photo to show up on forum questions?


HAPPY Thanksgiving!!

I want to wish each and every one of you a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for, 365 days of the year. So, enjoy your day!

HAPPY Thanksgiving!!

HL7 v3 issue

Hi all,

I'm looking into generating an HL7v3 message from a database reader, and it's not going too badly except for one bit that I just can't get my head 'round.

The Transfom maps the DB fields to the v3 template perfectly but from somewhere, an empty copy of the message is tagged onto the end.

Attached are the channel (TEST - Generate SOAP; I've had to edit the inboundTemplate and outboundTemplate sections because of the file size limits) and a sample message that gets generated (message).

Any ideas/suggestions will be gratefully received!

Attached Files

File Type: xml message.xml (2.8 KB)
File Type: xml TEST - Generate SOAP.xml (32.1 KB)

HL7 v3 issue

Walgreen Free 8 x 10

Free 8 x 10 available at Walgreen thru Saturday11/29 Enter code BIGPICFREE at checkout

Walgreen Free 8 x 10

globalMap concurrency

Should I be afraid of concurrency in the globalMap?

As in:

Channel1 creates/updates globalMap key "A".

Channel1 routes message to Channel2.

Before Channel2 can read globalMap key "A", another message was sent to Channel1, which updated the globalMap key "A" and therefore Channel2 is now reading that updated key (wrong information).

Would appreciate any help.

globalMap concurrency

how to use table (feathed from Stored proc) from one transformer to other transformer

Hi there,

In one transformer(JS) i have a call to stored procedure which returns table. Now i want to save this table in a global variable so that i can use the table in other transformers in the same channel/ different channel.

can anyone please help me..

how to use table (feathed from Stored proc) from one transformer to other transformer

server log errors for connection

I have a lot of the server log errors:

[2014-11-26 07:54:51,757] ERROR (com.mirth.connect.connectors.tcp.TcpDispatcher:29 7): Error sending message via TCP (TCP Sender "SIU" on channel 643591b5-d00a-4828-9a35-c338b1c6939b).

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)

at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)

at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress( Unknown Source)

at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)

at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)

at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)

at com.mirth.connect.connectors.tcp.SocketUtil.connec tSocket(SocketUtil.java:62)

at com.mirth.connect.connectors.tcp.TcpDispatcher.sen d(TcpDispatcher.java:196)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Destinatio nConnector.handleSend(DestinationConnector.java:58 8)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Destinatio nConnector.process(DestinationConnector.java:336)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Destinatio nChain.call(DestinationChain.java:224)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.pr ocess(Channel.java:1422)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.di spatchRawMessage(Channel.java:955)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.SourceConn ector.dispatchRawMessage(SourceConnector.java:177)

at com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.DonkeyEngineC ontroller.dispatchRawMessage(DonkeyEngineControlle r.java:498)

at com.mirth.connect.connectors.vm.VmDispatcher.send( VmDispatcher.java:140)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Destinatio nConnector.handleSend(DestinationConnector.java:58 8)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Destinatio nConnector.process(DestinationConnector.java:336)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Destinatio nChain.call(DestinationChain.java:224)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.pr ocess(Channel.java:1422)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.di spatchRawMessage(Channel.java:955)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.SourceConn ector.dispatchRawMessage(SourceConnector.java:177)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.SourceConn ector.dispatchRawMessage(SourceConnector.java:154)

at com.mirth.connect.connectors.tcp.TcpReceiver$TcpRe ader.call(TcpReceiver.java:595)

at com.mirth.connect.connectors.tcp.TcpReceiver$TcpRe ader.call(TcpReceiver.java:458)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unkn own Source)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run (Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

But all the transactions seem to be processed successfully after I changed the retry count from 0 to 10. Are the server log errors important for this case? Can I suppress the server log errors if the transactions were processed successfully? (I am using mirth Thanks

server log errors for connection

The alternative solutions Of Lifeforce T-Boost!!

It's important to start out at higher level of fitness so you want to think I've exercise is building a savings account and it's helpful to build up your resurfaced strange balance cardio-respiratory interns in preparation for potential future access your Lifeforce T-Boost patience so the benefits of exercise no one can unfortunately Cairns he what benefits you get from exercise but research has shown that there are many very probable on benefits say.

You'll receive one is that exercise will most likely improve her ability to get around on it will probably keep creature risk a fall it would decrease your pain arm exercise may also decrease your fatigue level if you're stronger than you're going to wear out a lot less quickly on exercise has been found to help with depression and anxiety issues exercises of have found to slow the progression of cognitive changes on we know exercise can help improve sleep patterns on and also prevent other secondary health problems so what should be in an exercise program well want everyone to know he's told us that when you exercise.

For more information, visit this site >>>>>>> http://ift.tt/1ww9yzN

The alternative solutions Of Lifeforce T-Boost!!

How does Lifeforce T-Boost work?

Open minded at who relate to you those kind of people anyone you know you can be late you in that sense is all rights go on so you just because theyll be lucky if there are enough Im going off the line and you know it like hes going after is but we can we can see that we facing the same things that game you know along the way not literally the Lifeforce T-Boost same thing but thingies you know quite similar lied struggles and everything so we can relay and wean have a chop and you get those people that you know they also you they ask you like you know why do you live your life and everything right and that gives a in an option for you to whether you can also write ammo system is easy to told them like you know this is what on doing this is war I am willing to do I N already happens is that those moments times we exposing our dreams but they simply indicated they think okay fair enough this is what it is this is what that is and that they will tell us all you know its not going to work but youre wasting your time youre just you know doing everything and is like a places like the console place where I think you know they have been achieved what they truly wanton they live so they probably have been you know got them self enough .


How does Lifeforce T-Boost work?

my thread

i create a channel and send a xml file through the channel but it showing this error

//Adding datas to MSH field


41: var tmp;

42: tmp['MSH']={};


44: tmp['MSH']['MSH.3']['MSH.3.1']="AMRITA HIS";

45: tmp['MSH']['MSH.4']['MSH.4.1']="AHIS";

46: tmp['MSH']['MSH.5']['MSH.5.1']="FUJI";


DETAILS: TypeError: Cannot set property "MSH" of undefined to "[object Object]"

at 96b547d2-a1c5-4c9e-af81-1e42c89e9887:42 (doTransform)

at 96b547d2-a1c5-4c9e-af81-1e42c89e9887:206 (doScript)

at 96b547d2-a1c5-4c9e-af81-1e42c89e9887:208

at com.mirth.connect.server.transformers.JavaScriptFi lterTransformer$FilterTransformerTask.call(JavaScr iptFilterTransformer.java:134)

at com.mirth.connect.server.transformers.JavaScriptFi lterTransformer$FilterTransformerTask.call(JavaScr iptFilterTransformer.java:100)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.jav a:262)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

please help me to fix the error

my thread

My final opinion about Lifeforce T-Boost!!

mardi 25 novembre 2014

Recommend you know start step-by-step and down we will see how goals arm welded you know the number one is to star knowing you know with their right portion sizes are the Camden Lifeforce T-Boost County scant ash the UK the sugar do you say have a scale at the game and you don't have a scale so are let's see trying to weigh yourself well do you know for sure you 180 right now do you know for sure that you are one 80right now one eighty pounds one any plans so you know wants to know they are my heaviest was 176 in I'm lost these 50 down so you can do it too on and you know I was depressed as well and I know that you mentioned you have done society in the prescient which mania the mania yeah I'll pen name where did what is it cold isn't here their a hard cock here medication where I see also you hear the one assist in.


My final opinion about Lifeforce T-Boost!!

sourceChannelId and sourceMessageId

Suppose you have a 3 channel flow.

If you send in

sourceChannelId and


in the message Metadata of a channel writer to the 3rd channel, it works.

I noticed that if you do not send them they still have values of the second channel.

So it appears that any message metadata will overwrite the sourcemap fields after mirth has populated them with default values.


sourceChannelId and sourceMessageId

The source map entry

Why does this deprecation error show up on just our production server and not our test and development Mirth's?

2014-11-25 13:53:16,528] ERROR (com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap:76): The source map entry "message_control_id" was retrieved from the channel map. This method of retrieval has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use sourceMap.get('message_control_id') instead.

and why is this map variable the only one that shows this...when there are 4 other ones too?

The source map entry

Getting Response back from the Mirth


I am new to the Mirth but got a very urgent task to do hence sorry for asking such a basic question. :confused:

I have setup one channel XML2HL7 with Inbound data type = XML and outbound data type = HL7 v2.x and Source Connector = WebService Listener.

.net Application sends XML to the Channel and channel writes Transformed HL7 Message to the text file.

But I want to get Transformed HL7 Message back as a response in the Caller .Net Application.

Please guide me on this.

Mirth 3.1

Getting Response back from the Mirth

Mirth javascript in new thread?

How do I... run some code into a different thread from a destination.

In other words I want the destination to finish but not wait for some javascript code to finish?

I considered a different destination to run this code but my channel is using

Auto-Generate (destinations complete).

I do have a solution...

Put the code in a different channel and send a message to that channel. But I don't want the calling channel to wait on the other channel to finish.

Any info would be appreciated.

Mirth javascript in new thread?

sftp connection issue

I am having an issue connecting to a sftp server as a file writer destination.

If I use winscp then I can connect successfully if I change the preferred sftp protocol version to 3, from the default value of 5.

Using mirth I get an algorithm error and it fails to connect.

is there a way to change the sftp protocol version in mirth or has anyone resolved this issue?

I am using mirth connect v2.X

sftp connection issue

You can't press oil at over rapeseed

You can't press oil at over rapeseed alit takes harsh chemicals and solvents to extract any oils that's not a that's not an oil fit for human consumption it happens to be high in Nutra Pump omega 3'sOmega 6 is unsaturated fats but that doesn't mean that it's a healthy food necessarily and what are they that when they say outhit this canola oil and I've been wanting to ask you this week's if it's expeller pressed is that what they say is that is that the good to know what we can if it’s expeller pressed is that give it the you know the go-ahead maybe I don't know okay I don't see any pointing consuming to know I'd I really don't so you just downed thumbs down for canola oil period K no matter how they press ENTER expel air so South Beach Diet in principle was pretty good execution absolute so many disclaimers to the states aren't there oh yeah read the fine print.

For The Discuss, Join Us At====>> http://www.maletestosteronebooster.o...ut-nutra-pump/

You can't press oil at over rapeseed

unable to deplou any channel


We have a big problem in our Mirth connect.

Mirth is enable to deploy any channel. we got a java error : 'NullPointerException" for each channel trying to be deployed.

Could you help us ?

The version is : Mirth Connect Server

version of java on the server : Java 7 build 1.7.0_03-b05

Thanks a lot.

unable to deplou any channel

Your heels back and forth a little bit to warm

Your heels back and forth a little bit to warm up Achilles as well as you can your whole a from here just gently bring Nutra Pump your knees down the floor cast so when it you of I said and XL route your spine put your chin to your chest and then again same thing in health and an Excel round your spine put your chin to your chest your whole body is moving as you read as an exhale around your spine excellent comebacks of leach 141 like backed officer armed opposite like I'll region both reps reaches much you can’t for one or both good and then bring it down let's try the same thing on the other side each other all four any other like that reach next as much you can squeeze going strong and then bring it down again same thing creature other old they're like yeah and now we're going to try something fun bring your knee out to the side your life and useful here going to feel Wow for strong sensation.

For more information, visit this site >>>>>>> http://www.maletestosteronebooster.o...ut-nutra-pump/

Your heels back and forth a little bit to warm

Which keeps course all stabilized as well

Which keeps course all stabilized as well stress for months devices got all three does it actually as robotic in it as well I’m just kind of combo supplement that's really want to my Nutra Pump foundation sufferance I use personally I so that's very helpful isometric doing something specially some he has adrenal stress which most of us do you have some %uh Virginia stressed sunny how to really balance the injury Dolce helps that individual getting the key two assists I would say toughest individuals to get into Ketosis are people that have I you know fall on adrenal fatigue and also individuals that have very fast-growing cancers because the fast-growing cancers will oftentimes are really certain certain now factors in certain toxins in the body that elevate blood sugar which makes it really tough but also lifetimes these people are on different medications like cortical steroids for example object oftentimes those are prescribed for people have things like rheumatoid arthritis and different answers to reduce inflammation and as corticosteroids just continually elevate blood sugar so I'm always trine influence that individual to get of those comps corticosteroids and use natural anti-inflammatory like high doses true rick I and changer and things like systemic enzymes up to reduce information instead in a natural way that's not affect .


Which keeps course all stabilized as well

Way that most often affects women

lundi 24 novembre 2014

Way that most often affects women are over 50 min and this crippling condition graduallythins and weakens your bones increasing the risk of fracture No mind but for years it has been a mystery why the Nutra Pump disease is so common where we look at known risk factors for us to process such as H smokinphysical activity they can partly explain why it's so common with osteoporosis and bone fractures inSweden but they cannot explain everything and then even more surprising is that we haven't picked a diet rich in calcium we should protect our bones so professor man who first began to look for another explanation and there was something in particularabout the Swedish diet that made him suspicious but was exceptionally high in a bit too mean a we eat dairy products oily fish such as herring and salmon we consume called liver oil vitamin supplements all which containhigh levels of vitamin A and on top of that we are the only European country which fortifies low-fat dairy price with vitamin E way this triggered an.


Way that most often affects women

Smokin' Rainbow's

I still have rainbows in the freezer from the Mammoth trips. Best way to keep the fish is in a block of ice. Tonight we smoked up 4 of these beauties. My buddy Rocky was helping me... :dude:

Smokin' Rainbow's

jws is your car missing?

JT;s relatives?

jws is your car missing?

Where to go for help-Plantar fasciitis and shoes


I am wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of the right professionals to give me some advice.

I am a 44 year old man in the UK. I have had pain in the feet for at least the last 20 years. The soles of my feet become swollen and sore in hot weather, I get pain around the ball of my left foot and I get pain in right ankle. I was diagnosed with pas cavus (high aches) by the Soft Tissue Injury Dept at my local hospital, which in turn has caused plantar fasciitis in my left foot. Also connected I think, is I get very stiff in my left leg and buttock when walking or standing for more than ½ hour, and I need to stand down and stretch the leg out.

The pain is n’t a sharp one, more of an ache or soreness, but does make walking long distances or standing a long time very unpleasant.

The treatment I have so far is 2 sessions of physiotherapy and 3 pairs of orthotics. None of these have worked for me.

I think the main problems are that the orthotics were made just by taking a mould of my feet, and not by looking at the way I walk. I also have very narrow heels, so it is very difficult to find shoes on the high street that fit me correctly. I think the problem with shoe fitting could be a large contributor to my problems, if my feet are “gripping” on to shoes that are too big. In fact I am seriously considering having some bespoke shoes made.

What I need, is to get some independent advice about my feet and the shoes I wear. I’m wary of a lot of podiatrists etc as they are likely to want to sell me new orthotics. Ideally, what I want is:

• a full examination of my feet and any long term damage that has been done

• advice on the type of shoes to wear and perhaps a “prescription” I could take to a shoemaker

• programme of physiotherapy or exercises to alleviate the pain or improve the flexibility of my arches.

I would be grateful for any advice, hints or tips.



Where to go for help-Plantar fasciitis and shoes

not able to start the channel

I am using Mirth and not able to start the channel with the following errors:

[2014-11-24 09:53:05,350] ERROR (com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel:1 910): Startup recovery interrupted for channel IDX TEST connection-WW(f7adef39-53c4-458a-a1ac-e20432e7f58e)


at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer.doAcquireSharedInterruptibly(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer.acquireSharedInterruptibly(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet(Unkn own Source)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.pr ocessUnfinishedMessages(Channel.java:1504)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel$St artTask.call(Channel.java:1908)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel$St artTask.call(Channel.java:1857)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unkn own Source)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run (Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

================================================== ====

[2014-11-24 09:53:05,351] ERROR (com.mirth.connect.server.servlets.ChannelStatusSe rvlet:94): com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.StartException: Failed to start channel.

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.st art(Channel.java:511)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.st art(Channel.java:485)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.Donkey.startChanne l(Donkey.java:217)

at com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.DonkeyEngineC ontroller.startChannel(DonkeyEngineController.java :332)

at com.mirth.connect.server.servlets.ChannelStatusSer vlet.doPost(ChannelStatusServlet.java:65)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet .java:727)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet .java:820)

at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(Ser vletHolder.java:652)

at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle( ServletHandler.java:447)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.do Handle(SessionHandler.java:225)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.do Handle(ContextHandler.java:1038)

at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(S ervletHandler.java:374)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.do Scope(SessionHandler.java:189)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.do Scope(ContextHandler.java:972)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.han dle(ScopedHandler.java:135)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList.handl e(HandlerList.java:52)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.ha ndle(HandlerWrapper.java:116)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(Server.java :363)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractHttpConnection.ha ndleRequest(AbstractHttpConnection.java:483)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractHttpConnection.co ntent(AbstractHttpConnection.java:931)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractHttpConnection$Re questHandler.content(AbstractHttpConnection.java:9 92)

at org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseNext(HttpPa rser.java:856)

at org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseAvailable(H ttpParser.java:240)

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AsyncHttpConnection.handl e(AsyncHttpConnection.java:82)

at org.eclipse.jetty.io.nio.SslConnection.handle(SslC onnection.java:196)

at org.eclipse.jetty.io.nio.SelectChannelEndPoint.han dle(SelectChannelEndPoint.java:627)

at org.eclipse.jetty.io.nio.SelectChannelEndPoint$1.r un(SelectChannelEndPoint.java:51)

at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.run Job(QueuedThreadPool.java:608)

at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$3.r un(QueuedThreadPool.java:543)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet(Unkn own Source)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source)

at com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.channel.Channel.st art(Channel.java:503)

... 29 more

Not sure what they are. Can you help? Thanks,

not able to start the channel

Installation of Mirth on Amazon EC2


I have installed mirthconnect 3.1 on Amazon EC2 instance. I have also installed Oracle JDK 1.7 on server. I have followed procedure correctly.

I also checked Java is installed by java -version

java version "1.7.0_71"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)

I have installed mirth and when I start mcserver by following command on terminal from server,

sudo /opt/mirthconnect/mcserver

I am getting the following output,

INFO 2014-11-24 12:52:06,216 [Thread-1] com.mirth.connect.server.Mirth: Mirth Connect (Built on November 11, 2014) server successfully started.

INFO 2014-11-24 12:52:06,218 [Thread-1] com.mirth.connect.server.Mirth: This product was developed by Mirth Corporation (http://ift.tt/1tbyldb) and its contributors (c)2005-2014.

INFO 2014-11-24 12:52:06,218 [Thread-1] com.mirth.connect.server.Mirth: Running Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_71 on Linux (3.14.20-20.44.amzn1.x86_64, amd64), derby, with charset UTF-8.

INFO 2014-11-24 12:52:06,219 [Thread-1] com.mirth.connect.server.Mirth: Web server running at [url]http://I.P.ofEC2:8080/ and [url]https://I.P.ofEC2:8443/

This shows server is started.

Now when from my local linux system , when I enter the URL in browser,

[url]https://I.P.ofEC2:8443/ (I also tried with http://ift.tt/1xTzFXg)

Nothing is being shown on web page & it shows web page not available..

Is there any problem with my public I.P. that is blocking mirth to launch?

I am able to connect to ec2 server by ssh -i command successfully.

Can anyone help me why I am not able to launch mirth connect administration?


Installation of Mirth on Amazon EC2

About epic picketing go faster game all

About epic picketing go faster game all you get give you them all yetKamal you doing it for you do it for you come-on and like you want and let you want that body and stop whatever really trying to do for Blackline Elite retracted ethics paper showed try get a flat belly the to avoid go but we lose the weight all over your body but they wanted burning battle you back that while you don’t want it that's why we do with a temp work at the one we pay deathly a good all year that's like can’t slack off and that's when you got to push it's up to them and that would get you know you get that when you can get booked that weekend if their life is like in the movie stop like if they're like a soldier in the video that new with DC you be fidelity cheer delay downpour whatever you got to do you get 250 do it do it go mall best you can all pick it up pick it up got to push the fiftieth you got to go fast Eastern are you guttery to reach their peak.


About epic picketing go faster game all

iPhone sold

I just sold my iPhone 5 for $300 today.... I looked at my AT&T receipt when I bought it 2 years ago for $299

iPhone sold

Study showed that breastfeeding mothers

Study showed that breastfeeding mothers tend to lose more weight when they're babies are three to six months old than mothers who are bottle feeding in consuming fewer calories the Subcommittee Alpha Fuel XT on nutrition during lactation reports on average lactating women who eats appetite lose weight at the rate up 0.6 0.2 eight kilograms 1.3 pounds to 1.6 pounds per month in the first four to six months but there is a wide variation in the weight loss experience I've lactating women some women gain weight during lactation those who continue breast-feeding beyond four to six months ordinarily continue to lose weight but at a slower rate than during the first four to six months if another gains weight or has stopped losing weight after the first two months she can increase her trinity level and producer intake by 100 calories per day although mothers reducing their caloric intake by 25 percent safely lost about one pound point 45 kilograms for week without affecting their baby's growth according to a study by dusty karnursing... mothers need at least 1800 calories per day Giants the less than 1500 calories per.


Study showed that breastfeeding mothers


dimanche 23 novembre 2014


I am doing a channel. The input would be .dcm and i need to convert it to JPEG and then to Base64. I saw quite a few threads about converting dcm to JPEG, used the codes stated but gets 0kb jpeg file.

The receiver of my message cant load .dcm that's why i need it to be converted to Jpeg first and then to base64 so that when they load it, they get jpeg file.

Please help.



Ultimate Redneck Camper Truck

(This video would improve with subtitles.)


Ultimate Redneck Camper Truck

Hi, can you help me:)

samedi 22 novembre 2014

Hi. I'm conducting a survey to get a rating for this product that I'm researching about and will be rebranding. Its for class at my university. And I know this doesn't really belong here. But desperate to find people...ahaha...i hope we can ignore the "this isn't anything about cats or dogs" thing and lets help this poor student get good grades hahahaah.

THanks guys:)


Hi, can you help me:)

Black Friday Deals

Post um up if you come across something :vib:

Solar blvd... http://ift.tt/1uSA8oR

Black Friday Deals

Italian Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway-1X Entry ends Dec. 3, 2014

4 Apprentice Entertainer Prize Pack

Enter to WIN 1 of 4 prizes – including 1 parmesan knife, 1 slate cutting board and 1 $5 off coupon.

1 Master Entertainer’s Grand Prize

A gourmet cheese knives gift box, table grater, large round slate cheese board, $5 off coupon


Good Luck! :)

Italian Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway-1X Entry ends Dec. 3, 2014

How do I combine timestamp and message control ID?


I'm trying to create a file name in my destination called something like {timestamp yyyymmddhhmmss)_{value from MSH.10.1}.hl7



In the destination Tab I tried to put ${date.get('yyyyMMddHHmmss')}.hl7 and that works to create the file name but I can't get the MSH.10.1 (Message Control ID) to work.

Does any one have any ideas?



How do I combine timestamp and message control ID?

just a great being to have

just a great being to have am available just right there in my home and I used to take on over counter medication Pep to Bicol and a side effect that that is having a black ton and so after CosmiMD I would take Pepto-Bismol resort their own and have this black time for like 4 by day then it will just growth so I'm so grateful to have died Jan then I'm debt have that immediate really and I don't experience side effects from it though that's just a great I'm blend have now the slim in fact the land is metabolic land in this is so great for many being bird regulating blood sugar for managing insulin response order speeding up metabolism incurring appetite and kind of random story with slim in fact the I didn't know that's a month after with indicated for this but my mom has suffered from migraines her for most of her adult.


just a great being to have

copying from PID.3.6 to MSH segment

vendredi 21 novembre 2014

I am trying to copy the value of PID.3.6 into MSH.4

Everytime I do that I get the value copied in MSH.4.6 which is not where I want it to be. I would like the value to only be in MSH.4

MSH|^~\&|RAD|^^^^^CC||184|20141121180203||ORU^R01| 207668846|T|2.3||||||PRELIM

PID|1|1008737005|^^^^^CC|800011081158^Centricity RIS-IC|TESTINO^BARBARA^^^^||19470621|F|||1

The simple copy from one field to another does not work!

tmp['MSH'][MSH.4']['MSH.4.1']= msg['PID'][PID.3']['PID.3.6'];

Any help is appreciated.

copying from PID.3.6 to MSH segment

Beware of Dr Chan from Palm Spring Vet!!! Don't send your fur kids to him!

BANNED! Palm Spring Veterinary @ Kota Damansara

Hi all!

Dogs shouldn't have died after spaying. But an unfortunate incident happened to me recently at Palm Spring Veterinary Clinic @ Kota Damansara. (Owned by Dr Chan Ka Long and he is the only one looking after the place.)

I had a very close bond with my puppy (less than 1 year old) and she had her jabs at the same clinic before. Based on trust, I sent to Dr Chan for spaying since he told me that she was in a very healthy form and suitable to perform the operation. I was told by Dr Chan that my puppy had to be left overnight in the clinic for supervision as she might be weak after spaying.

But due to his negligence and went home early, my puppy was left dying there. He knew that the dog's heart beat was abnormal yet he chose to return home and get some sleep. I received a text message from him to inform me that the puppy had opened her eyes but heart beat was weak! WTF?! I was working on the next morning and received a call from Dr Chan that my poor baby had died. He called me at 11am when the clinic just opened. Really unacceptable!!!

Calling himself a pet lover is really a shame! How could he be so reckless? He has been in this field for more than 5 years yet he could not perform his job professionally and over-promised his client for the sake of few hundred ringgit. Shame on him!!! To top it all off, he only compensated 1k to me although I told him that the puppy costs more than 5k+++.

Money is not a big issue here but I really cannot take it when he told me that he ASSUMED my puppy was ok, that's why he went home. Dog's man's best friend and I do not get it why some people can be so cruel and inhuman?!

Guys, remember to ban Dr Chan and Palm Spring Vet!!!

Beware of Dr Chan from Palm Spring Vet!!! Don't send your fur kids to him!

BANNED! Palm Spring Veterinary @ Kota Damansara

Hi all!

Dogs shouldn't have died after spaying. But an unfortunate incident happened to me recently at Palm Spring Veterinary Clinic @ Kota Damansara. (Owned by Dr Chan Ka Long and he is the only one looking after the place.)

I had a very close bond with my puppy (less than 1 year old) and she had her jabs at the same clinic before. Based on trust, I sent to Dr Chan for spaying since he told me that she was in a very healthy form and suitable to perform the operation. I was told by Dr Chan that my puppy had to be left overnight in the clinic for supervision as she might be weak after spaying.

But due to his negligence and went home early, my puppy was left dying there. He knew that the dog's heart beat was abnormal yet he chose to return home and get some sleep. I received a text message from him to inform me that the puppy had opened her eyes but heart beat was weak! WTF?! I was working on the next morning and received a call from Dr Chan that my poor baby had died. He called me at 11am when the clinic just opened. Really unacceptable!!!

Calling himself a pet lover is really a shame! How could he be so reckless? He has been in this field for more than 5 years yet he could not perform his job professionally and over-promised his client for the sake of few hundred ringgit. Shame on him!!! To top it all off, he only compensated 1k to me although I told him that the puppy costs more than 5k+++.

Money is not a big issue here but I really cannot take it when he told me that he ASSUMED my puppy was ok, that's why he went home. Dog's man's best friend and I do not get it why some people can be so cruel and inhuman?!

Guys, remember to ban Dr Chan and Palm Spring Vet!!!


BANNED! Palm Spring Veterinary @ Kota Damansara