Filter by values contained within a segment

mardi 30 septembre 2014


I have a channel where I am trying to filter the messages to two different destinations based on the value of MSH.5.1

MSH.5.1 is basically going to contain any amount of two-digit character codes that represent an outside system.

example of what MSH.5.1 can contain:

- |RW|

- |RW~SL|


These two character codes can essentially appear in any order within the MSH.5.1. Is there an easy way to create a Filter rule where I can search MSH.5.1 for any of the two character codes to see if they exist?

Currently, for test, I have two destinations setup each with their own filter:

- Dest #1

- Rule Builder

- Accept

- Field: /^RW.*/.test(msg.MSH['MSH.5']['MSH.5.1'])

- Value: true

- Dest #2

- Rule Builder

- Accept

- Field: /^SL.*/.test(msg.MSH['MSH.5']['MSH.5.1'])

- Value: true

It looks like only the 'RW' filter is working, but I think its because my filter is looking for characters only at the beginning/end of the string within the segment and not seeing if they just exist anywhere in the segment. Would anyone know how to fix this?

Ultimately, I hope to be able to just keep adding filters/destinations that search for any two character combo within MSH.5.1, no matter where the combo occurs.

Filter by values contained within a segment

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