How can I tell what channel/destination a code template has been called from?

lundi 26 janvier 2015

I've got a code template function that is used in many places throughout my Mirth scripting. This includes a couple hundred channels and code that has been written by a number of different developers over the years. I'm trying to gather some information about how this function is being used in all of these various places so I've added a call to the function to dump out some information to the server log each time that it is called. This is working great with one exception - I can't figure out how to tell which channel/destination/transformer step called the function in each instance. Are there some stack trace variables that I could reference in the that would tell me "where" the code is being called from?

Today I'm able to show "Function_ABC was called with parameter X=1 and Y=2".

What I'd like to show is something similar to "Function_ABC was called with parameter X=1 and Y=2. This call was made from Channel A, Destination C, Transformer Step #2."

How can I tell what channel/destination a code template has been called from?

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