Dating your best friend... is it a bad idea?

samedi 27 juin 2015

There's this guy who is like a year or 2 older than me and he's been such a good friend since I've known him.
Recently he's told one of my friends he's like to date me and this is where I need help
My problem(which I am going to talk to him about it eventually) is that if this whole relationship thing doesn't work out I'm going to lose him as a friend too and I dun want that happen because he's like a best friend to me.
And I know when I tell him all this stuff he'd be like no we're going to be together forever and I'm never ever going to break your heart and all this stuff which honestly is not believable at first because I've learnes that it is TIME that proves ppl's royalty not the promises they make
Plus I dun like him like that ,if you know what I mean
I like him as a dear friend or like a brother
Also other part of me wants to give it a try
I'm going to stop right here
So what do you think
Should I give it a chance?

Dating your best friend... is it a bad idea?

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