Problem with Custom WS

lundi 6 octobre 2014

Good evening guys,

Preliminary Info:

- Mirth Connect Server Manager installed in my local pc.

- Server Version:

- Java Version: 1.7.0_67

I have a problem with a custom web service. I have to tell the truth, I am not a pro in Mirth and in WS in general.

So, my problem.

I built two different channel:

1. Source: File Reader from a .txt file (simple cause I have to learn) in local

Destination: WS sender

2. Source: WS Listener

Destination: File Writer in a local .txt

I generated my .jar file writing in a notepad the code and then saving it with .class extension, then from cmd: jar cf test.jar CustomAcceptMessage.class

I copied the class from the mirth site to make an example, here the screen:

The problem is that I can only access the AcceptMessage method of deafault in the WS Sender Option, is like mirth doesn't read the .jar and doesn't create the custom wsdl that I attach a screen:

The cool thing is that if the server is on, I can't delete the test.jar cause in use by mcserver.exe...

Please help!


Problem with Custom WS

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