Mirth Version: 3.0.3
Data type: HL7 V2.X
Use Destination TCP
QUEUE Message: Attempt First
Transmission Mode: MLLP
Process HL7 ACK: Yes
Send Timeout:5k
Response Timeout:5k
I have a channel sending to a TCP Destination. I have noticed if i set "Process HL7 ACK" to NO. Messages processed at lightning speed and my queue clears up. If i set "Process HL7 ACK" to Yes, then my queue goes up exponentially. Within a matter of 15mins i can have 2k messages(TYPE of messages: ADT/ORM) in the queue. By me saying NO to "Process HL7 ACK" what else is been affected? I mean, i understand what mirth is saying when i set Process HL7 ACK to NO. What else is been affected as a result. I'm not understanding how come there's such huge difference.
Data type: HL7 V2.X
Use Destination TCP
QUEUE Message: Attempt First
Transmission Mode: MLLP
Process HL7 ACK: Yes
Send Timeout:5k
Response Timeout:5k
I have a channel sending to a TCP Destination. I have noticed if i set "Process HL7 ACK" to NO. Messages processed at lightning speed and my queue clears up. If i set "Process HL7 ACK" to Yes, then my queue goes up exponentially. Within a matter of 15mins i can have 2k messages(TYPE of messages: ADT/ORM) in the queue. By me saying NO to "Process HL7 ACK" what else is been affected? I mean, i understand what mirth is saying when i set Process HL7 ACK to NO. What else is been affected as a result. I'm not understanding how come there's such huge difference.
Ramifications of Disabling: Process HL7 ACK to a TCP Destination
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