Can't login to Mirth Connect Administrator

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

I have Mirth Connect v3.1.0 installed and Java v8 update 25. I get to the Mirth Connect Administrator and try to login with the default username and password: admin. I get the following error message: There was an error connecting to the server at the specified address. Please verify that the server is up and running. I am using the default 'derby' DB, please see details below:

Web Start Port: 8080

Admin Port: 8443

Database URL: jdbc:derby:${dir.appdata}/mirthdb;create=true

Username and Password: admin

Server: https://localhost:8443

I am able to ping 'localhost' with successful response.

nslookup on localhost returns fully qualified name and IP Address.

I've looked at, has correct DB URL and username and password.

Any suggestions?

Can't login to Mirth Connect Administrator

1 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Try changing the port numbers from 8080 to something different like 8083 and the 2nd port from 8443 to something like 8444

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