I think at to an important point

mardi 2 décembre 2014

I think at to an important point toot just a frequency volume eccentricity is the form on you know I'm not a big proponent of super slow training make keeping your I'm repetition cadence slow enough that you can focus on strict form Tristan technique Choice 9000 Caralluma and a strong contraction focusing on the muscle tension you're creating as opposed to balancing out tons wraps and I think that's a very good point to be made out it doesn't have to be super slow I mean if we're talking still strength training purely somebody wants to stay strong your you just have to be aware more is that melting away is not strong I’ll announcing the latest technique met you ever seen the textbook definition of Hell military press used to have to be done the together back straight I is straight ahead halls at the collarbone left yet claimed the way and press the bar.

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I think at to an important point

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