You can't press oil at over rapeseed

mardi 25 novembre 2014

You can't press oil at over rapeseed alit takes harsh chemicals and solvents to extract any oils that's not a that's not an oil fit for human consumption it happens to be high in Nutra Pump omega 3'sOmega 6 is unsaturated fats but that doesn't mean that it's a healthy food necessarily and what are they that when they say outhit this canola oil and I've been wanting to ask you this week's if it's expeller pressed is that what they say is that is that the good to know what we can if it’s expeller pressed is that give it the you know the go-ahead maybe I don't know okay I don't see any pointing consuming to know I'd I really don't so you just downed thumbs down for canola oil period K no matter how they press ENTER expel air so South Beach Diet in principle was pretty good execution absolute so many disclaimers to the states aren't there oh yeah read the fine print.

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You can't press oil at over rapeseed

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