Way that most often affects women

lundi 24 novembre 2014

Way that most often affects women are over 50 min and this crippling condition graduallythins and weakens your bones increasing the risk of fracture No mind but for years it has been a mystery why the Nutra Pump disease is so common where we look at known risk factors for us to process such as H smokinphysical activity they can partly explain why it's so common with osteoporosis and bone fractures inSweden but they cannot explain everything and then even more surprising is that we haven't picked a diet rich in calcium we should protect our bones so professor man who first began to look for another explanation and there was something in particularabout the Swedish diet that made him suspicious but was exceptionally high in a bit too mean a we eat dairy products oily fish such as herring and salmon we consume called liver oil vitamin supplements all which containhigh levels of vitamin A and on top of that we are the only European country which fortifies low-fat dairy price with vitamin E way this triggered an.


Way that most often affects women

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