Need to support each other in this in that's why I said thank you I have okay so in this is the number onequestion that everyone have every person I've told everyone's excited that you're on my show but then the number one question people keep asking why are you running up against one another good people that we have on our side and not in a differentdistrict right against somebody else who's not on our soccer so let's talk about that because it's a legitimate question or less it's a legitimate question a first-ball when you people think it'sso easy to just like saunter into.
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Some district that has some tea party candidate that they like me to run against young for so far its it's very rare tofind it district that would elect the Tea Party to begin with who they had two sons turgid me but much more importantly in the senseof what's deeply true I want to represent a district in every sense of the word this district is filled with people who read the same books I do who think about the same things and talkabout the same things that I do its organic I'll miss Waxman has been Avery good congressman this term if he were to win this timeit's a forty year term and with all due respect the House of Representatives was set up by our founders to be the house so whats happening now so the political status quo even thebest that the political status quo and I would call congressman Waxman among the best at the political status quo that status quo is dominated by very coif I thought forms even the best those thought forms it isnot a container for the kind breakthrough thinking that I believe is necessary now this Isa new time in America we're having a new conversation with a new conversation inspirituality in new conversation and therapy a new conversation relationships a new conversation the business a new conversation in education we are not having a new conversation in politics and that would include the person theasking about so I think I think that it is very legitimate today that while for instance he has of eating disorders experience a worsening of symptoms after birth if a mother is suffering from an eatingdisorder suggest you seek.
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Some district that has some tea party candidate that they like me to run against young for so far its it's very rare tofind it district that would elect the Tea Party to begin with who they had two sons turgid me but much more importantly in the senseof what's deeply true I want to represent a district in every sense of the word this district is filled with people who read the same books I do who think about the same things and talkabout the same things that I do its organic I'll miss Waxman has been Avery good congressman this term if he were to win this timeit's a forty year term and with all due respect the House of Representatives was set up by our founders to be the house so whats happening now so the political status quo even thebest that the political status quo and I would call congressman Waxman among the best at the political status quo that status quo is dominated by very coif I thought forms even the best those thought forms it isnot a container for the kind breakthrough thinking that I believe is necessary now this Isa new time in America we're having a new conversation with a new conversation inspirituality in new conversation and therapy a new conversation relationships a new conversation the business a new conversation in education we are not having a new conversation in politics and that would include the person theasking about so I think I think that it is very legitimate today that while for instance he has of eating disorders experience a worsening of symptoms after birth if a mother is suffering from an eatingdisorder suggest you seek.
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