Need Information Abou tTiny White Insects

mardi 4 août 2015

I just thought it couldn't hurt to come and ask here about whatever this species is because I'm having a sort of a infestation at home and any information would be helpful and greatly appreciated. I work for my dad in and around 5 to 6 big greenhouses filled with many types of plants. I'm usually wet from watering or covered in soil after shoveling and unloading the cargo van by myself. For the past two months I've noticed not so much of a white insect swarm, but more like a thin white mist in and around the house which is surrounded by plants.They make a low buzzing sound and are very very tiny. They usually look white. I really can't get a good photo of these things because zooming distorts the resolution and all it shows is frizzles. These insects are fast and I don't think they biting me. It feels more like a prickling feeling like they are clinging to my cloths. They don't seem to be bothering anyone else in the house and to be honest I don't think I would have ever noticed them if they didn't leave these tiny little paper cuts on my fingers every so often so often when they are in constant use such as typing to changing channels with the remote or picking up things. Also, I don't have a history of mental illness.

Need Information Abou tTiny White Insects

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