Identify this sound - help!

lundi 3 août 2015

Link to listen to mystery sound

We are experiencing a banging sound in our home and cannot identify it. The water heater was recently replaced before this sound started happening, and we are suspicious it is somehow related (though it may be innocent). An expansion tank was also added to the cold water line supplying the new water heater (no expansion tank previously). The sounds have been happening for the past 3 months, but otherwise never ever happened in the past 34 years in this house.

There are anywhere from 1 to 4 bangs. They vary in volume and rhythm. It seems to come from the basement, but can be heard and physically felt all the way on the 2nd floor. We have placed a recorder on top of the water heater to capture the sound when it happens.

It does not happen when turning a faucet on/off, flushing toilet, or other things that draw water. We can't MAKE it happen. It usually happens late at night or early morning, strangely most often on Mondays and Saturdays. It happens when everyone is in bed, or when we're all sitting together watching TV or something, and it happens when no one is home (found when reviewing the recording later). Sometimes it happens twice on the same day, sometimes it happens on 2-3 consecutive days, sometimes a week or more elapse with NO banging sound (that we hear, at least).

A hiss seems to start building up before the banging happens (audible on clear recordings when the basement is quiet).

The plumber who installed the hot water heater doesn't know what it is. We can't make it happen on demand, but have played the recordings for him. He says it doesn't sound like water hammer and sounds more mechanical. But the banging sound happens when the A/C, washer, dryer, dehumidifier, humidifier are all off.

It's driving us crazy and is worrying.

3 of the clearest recordings (with the hiss building up before the bangs) can be heard here:

Does anyone recognize this sound and its irregular behavior? What is it? How do you fix it?

Thank you for any ideas you may have!

Identify this sound - help!

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