
vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Assalamalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!
First of all I thank the organizers of this site for providing a platform to ask questions (JazakAllahu khair). I am a Undergraduate student of Business Administration and I study in a co-educational institution in Sharjah. Alhamdulillah, I have never involved myself in the Haram activities those that can be categorized under Zina but my life is turning out to be hell after attending this college. The amount of immodesty is so much that it will compel you in forbidden acts. I am not able to concentrate in my work and although I try my best to refrain from communicating with the opposite sex as that creates a vulgar temptation in me which I can't resist and indulges me in bad acts which is normal I guess in the case of teens.Thus, I would like to hear some suggestions from you so that I could confront the challenges and be back on track.
JazakAllahu khair!


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