The contractor
made me believe that the work will be done correctly and swiftly, not to worry. Well, that was over 2 years ago. My home had severe wind, rain and toxic damage. It has been unlivable. The home, I believe should have been replaced.This contractor is beyond slow and horrible work. I write emails to them stating I need my home repaired correctly by a certain date. These emails are ignored. I ask for status on the work, that too is ignored. I have pointed out the unprofessional work to no avail. Now they have dripped and smeared paint on my expensive furniture, in particular a beautiful China cabinet that my deceased husband bought for me when he was alive. They have not taped appropriately so the paint work is worse then a child.They paint my walls yet my floors still need to be repaired. They stripped my one bathroom, yet refused to take the damaged tub out and have already placed new drywall up! My home is in shambles. My kitchen has been stripped with no work being done. My youngest daughter are basically homeless. I am a disabled widow and cannot afford to live elsewhere then my own home. My daughter had to change schools which effected her honor role status. My home is still in shambles. The dumpster is over loaded with garbage. I had a beautiful 2 floor cape cod home on 10 acres which has to be maintained but I am living 70 miles away. My insurance was forced on me so I do not receive living expenses.The contractor has received all necessary funds plus more.This is not an issue of not paying. They have been paid but have failed to do the repairs and failed to do it properly! What can I do? I want compensation from the contractor for all the expenses I have. I will probably need a good contractor to fix their mistakes and the insurance company will not pay for that. Can I place a lien on the contractor? Can the contractor try to place a lien on my property even though I do not owe them money, they owe me properly repaired. Please help me!
Lien on a contractor
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