I'm sick with about 10 reps what toolmakers his way I can. this 10 sessions CNN's Hey and then and revert back to our usual press pause drops it changed I spoke a lot about ProGain 350 Canada stage got to show you guys how I such a recruit those techniques K this huh become 10 to me I and he could reach threshold Maxwell hey so you know that's what I just watched him for the 10 say no one Lichtenstein history of frequently to that 10 with Max him then starred my chest for the slow on this section okay what you doing cold-blooded show all I think I'm expression nowhere near as much I K fashion expression great makes me the Christian Church Russia show their take advantage over all the show this drowning triceps today giveaway okay teacher so don't touch and that Max KS and then dress for success that was pretty much what a great thanks and %ah but there is a sure cure fun a fact.
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I'm sick with about 10 reps
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