Not able to connect to location path for File Reader using smb

lundi 1 décembre 2014


I am using Mirth 3.1

I want to read xml files using source connector as File Reader via smb.

I have client's smb credentials i.e. I.P./Path of folder, User name & Password.

Now when I enter only smb I.P. with out folder path , username & password & Test connection using Test Read button it shows successfully connected to I.P. But When I enter I.P address along with folder path (location of xml file like /opt/data) along with user name & password, then it is not able to connect.

I confirmed folder is existing on the server & smb ports are open for mirth server.

I deployed the channel to read files, but still not able to connect to path.

Can anyone suggest me, Is it because of any security over those folder or something else?


Not able to connect to location path for File Reader using smb

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