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Declaration fee to leave Ghana
mercredi 1 juillet 2015
A girl who I have been corresponding with says she needs a declaration fee to leave Ghana. Is this a real fee?
Declaration fee to leave Ghana
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Husband says to wife please forgive me my mother in funny situation.
Husband works out of town :(
Husbands right and monthly maintenance to her wife
HVAC AC Issues
HVAC blower rewiring problems
Hvac humming/vibrating sound
HVAC question; DS1 & DS2 blinking .
I am 26
I am 69 years old and I want to take out $20000 from thriftplan . Can I ?
I am a bad person?
I am a landlord in NY with a mentally ill tenant.
I am a new user on triphasil after 5 white pills had unprotected sex cn I be pregnant
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I am afriad non virgin girl can cheat after marriage
I am changing my condenser fan motor single phase 203v 230v . It only has 2 wires tha
I am living in NJ and working NYC. Employer has given me NJ-W4
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I am looking for Doris Quansah. she is from Acura
I am sexualy attracted to my daughter
I am the executive director and due to a staff complaint I am not aware of
I bought a pregnancy test and it is positive but I'm bleeding heavy like a period
I bought two glacier bay toilets and they are worthless. I sent the receipts to you
I cant stand my dads girlfriend
I colored my hair with color that had a bleach envelope to be mixed with color and it
I couldn'
I do not use protection
I drank alchole six days ago like 10 beers and I got egt test done can alcohol still
I forgot the name of a song
I found nothing on a man when I did a Google email search Prove he's not a scammer?
I got a notice that child support was offset and sent to T.N. on May 8
I had intercourse 3 days and today I'm ovulating should I have intercourse again
I had sex and after 2 weeks I got my regular periods. Can I get pregnant?
I had two beers & a 30 oz smirnoff with 4.5% by vol alc.
I hate my youngest sister so much! Any advice please
I have 2 uteruses. Do I need a specialist?
I have 3 people in my home not on a lease only me an I need help
I have a 2010 odyssey the van shakes when accelerating from about 55 to 65 I
I have a Bryant airconditioner heat pump (Plus 90 X preferred series) in my upstairs
I have a Cathay doll called... Karai... How much is she worth
I have a hampstead ceiling light fixture and there are 3 wires a black
I have a kenmore ultra wash dishwasher model #665 and the LOCK ON lite is blinking.
I have a painting and I do not know the artist or the year when it was painted.
I have a porcelain cathay doll name janet. How much is it worth
I have a small stray cat that had kittens
I have a toilet that flushes completely but in the process produces a large bubble I?
I have a vertical cast iron pipe that is 7 ft away from where I am putting new toilet
I have a white rotary sewing machine serial number fr 2398663
I have an unsafe sex then the next day I have my period
I have be
I have bypassed the contact switch on my outside unit
I have had adominal pain for the last 24 hours. I am diabetic and have kidney disease
I have looked among topics that might include situational ethics
I have sole custody
I I have been taking perle since the 6 of June and I just started the red pills lastn
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I need the vacuum diagrams for a 90 toyota pick up v6 3.0 tsi engine
I need to know the age of my Maytag refrigerator. Model # MTB2156DE
I need to reprogram a harbor breeze remote control r
I peed on a pregnancy test twice. Second time it showed positive?
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I think my mom loves her boyfriend more than me
I think someone is trying 2 kill me
I think someone is trying ro kill me
I Thought he really liked me but now I don't know?
I thought letting my 25 year old nephew move in was the right thing to do
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My mom hates me.
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My question is what are the condition for probation voilation but on new charges
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