Found unused floor drain... can I cement it in?

vendredi 26 juin 2015

I removed some old floor tiles on the basement floor (we bought this 1920's home in '96), and found a cement/plaster patch underneath the tiles). The cement/plaster was cracked and falling apart. I broke it all out, and found a floor drain... Funny part is that there was no opening to a drain... just a circular hole, with a rusted (what looks like) cap on the bottom of the hole, one drain tile which was filled with clay, and dry... my question is, can I fill this with cement and seal it off permanently? I have another floor drain, and a sump it in the basement.

Since it was covered before (I didn't even know it existed), and not used for anything, I shouldn't have an issue with permanently sealing it off, should I?

I have photos if anyone is interested..

Thanks for any advice/help in advance!

Found unused floor drain... can I cement it in?

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