You for 3 watt oh my gosh retire good cop okay this is the good parts this is thistledown this time we get to do some nice easy stretching you guys ready step back lunch hands on the front me and really get deep into that hip flex or straighten out that back leg on the ball the fourth take all the way up stretched through the as focus on your breathing dropped the arms down to the side lets get a little torso rotation in year whole for ABI really twist your core stretch reach for it take you more depressed yep one more defraud night and bring it Lipo G3 Garcinia Cambogia back bring it back up better opposite leg take it back okay the front me ball in the back court with the neck what up to the sky whole through your hip flex or your lower abdominal ahead the arms which back behind you stretching up tithe sky palms facing in and Excel arms to the side deep breath exhale and give me a little torso rotation really reach their heads now if you're wobbling make sure that your feet are hit with apart okay to helping stabilize this is not work the good parts up and let's go backup Center guys now we're going to stretch through that hip and hamstring hands on hips don't lie to kick your body out a little bit and come on the heels straight now.
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