Processing DFTs with multiple FT1s

mardi 3 mars 2015

I have DFTs with one or more FT1s. I'm trying to get them into SQL Server 2008. I'm using Mirth Since I don't know how many FT1s I have, I can't use a transformer to pull out the fields I want and send them to a stored procedure. I could concatenate the strings together and deal with it in SQL Server but that isn't my preferred method.

Sample input:

MSH|^~\&|MTAB|MM|MODULEMD|MODULEMD|20150223093543| |DFT^P03|201502230935431000|P|2.3


PID|1|22818|32396|22818|PtLastname^PTFirstname^||1 9380303|M||WHITE|8359 Office Park Dr^^Grand Blanc^MI^48439||248-434-0444^^^|||||22818|123456789|||NON - HISPANIC/LATINO||||||||

PV1|1|O|^^^PMC|R|||^DrLastName^DrFirstName|H83114^ Dr2LastName^Dr2FirstName||||||||N||P|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||

FT1|1|212887|1|20150223||CM|93000^ECG ROUTINE ECG W/AT LEAST 12 LEADS; W/I&R|||1.00||||||PMC|||427.9~272.9~786.05~272.0|A73 292^DrLastName^DrFirstName|A73292^DrLastName^DrFir stName|H83114^Dr2LastName^Dr2FirstName|||93000^ECG ROUTINE ECG W/AT LEAST 12 LEADS; W/I&R

FT1|2|212887|2|20150223||CG|99214^OFC/OUTPT VISIT E&M EST MOD-HI SEVERITY 25 MIN|||1.00||||||PMC|||427.9~272.4~424.2~496|A73292 ^DrLastName^DrFirstName|A73292^DrLastName^DrFirstN ame|H83114^Dr2LastName^Dr2FirstName|||99214^OFC/OUTPT VISIT E&M EST MOD-HI SEVERITY 25 MIN

I found a post about writing each FT1(+ MSH, PID, etc.) into a new message.

"multiple messages from one".

I imported the channel. I only get one message and the result is "FT1|undefined". The MSH, PID, etc. are ok.

Here is my channel transformer code:

var suppress = "";

var tmp = msg;

for each (seg in msg..MSH)


tmp['MSH'] = msg['MSH'];


for each (seg in msg..EVN)


tmp['EVN'] = msg['EVN'];


for each (seg in msg..PID)


tmp['PID'] = msg['PID'];


for each (seg in msg..PV1)


tmp['PV1'] = msg['PV1'];



if (msg['FT1'][0]['FT1.1']['FT1.1.1'] != ""){





suppress = "yes";

channelMap.put('check', e);


var test = "";

var count = 0;

for each (seg in msg..FT1)


tmp['FT1'] = msg['FT1'][count];

var test = test + tmp;



channelMap.put('test', test);

channelMap.put('suppress', suppress);

Processing DFTs with multiple FT1s

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