HL7 msg read from DB, proper use of Template field

mercredi 3 septembre 2014

Advice please about polling a SQL table for presence of records, when found extract already formatted HL7 msg and forward it via TCP Sender to Powerscribe service. On success or fail, make appropriate update record in the original database table.

Approach to this point:

- capture HL7 msg from database table in Source Transformer via...


- push msg via Destination template via....


The channel actually runs without error, but pushes my template text verbatim as the message. IOW -- In the receiving side I'm receiving msgs that say "$(channelMap.get('rismrsmsg')).encodedData;" -- not desired outcome.

There are a variety of good examples of similar things in forums (see links at bottom.) I have reviewed in detail these forums, but am not understanding how the destination template field operates (in this case, how to get it to render the contents of that channelMap variable "rismrsmsg").

Following success with this, I need to trap success/failure of the delivery send back to SQL database (updating column in place to record success/fail.) Is their a recommended method of doing this?

Any pointers to these topics are greatly appreciated.

Mirth, Windows 2008 R2

SQL Server 2008

Channel attached









Attached Files

File Type: xml RIS_MRS.xml (24.0 KB)

HL7 msg read from DB, proper use of Template field

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